It's such a special milestone in life to be able to give birth to a child, so I wanted to be sure to write out my son's birth story while it is still fresh in my mind. This is the story of how Riley Sameer came into the world.
Tuesday June 18, 2019
I wouldn’t say that labour started on Tuesday, but things were definitely happening! I wasn’t sure exactly how I was feeling, but I was having a lot of discomfort and pressure to the point that I couldn’t stand up. This lasted about an hour, but from then on I could feel that the baby had shifted.

On Thursday I had an appointment with my OB and he said that the baby was “in position” and could come at any time. I was already 3 cm dilated so he was guessing I would go into labour or baby would arrive within the next 48 hours! He is a seasoned Obstetrician so I was hoping he was right, but he said to call Monday morning for an U/S if nothing had happened yet. I decided to get a stretch and sweep procedure done which can help move things along, especially since I was already dilated.
We had plans to have dinner at my in-laws that night, and I was feeling very uncomfortable the whole time and did not have an appetite at all. I did feel like things were starting to happen but didn’t want to set off any false alarms. I just kept hinting at my husband that we needed to go home in case I was really going into labour. Sure enough once we got home I could feel the first contractions starting around 8:30pm.
Things continued through the night and started to increase in intensity around 2:00am. It seems that’s when really started and around 4:30am (Friday June 21) I was having regular contractions. I didn’t get much sleep through the night, not necessarily due to a lot of pain, but just the anticipation, knowing that labour had started and this was really happening! We had been nervous about the timing of the birth, due to the fact that my husband only had a specific timeframe off from work, and I really wanted him to be home to support me through the labour and birthing process. I was so relieved when my labour started right on my due date!
By 7:00am sh*t started to get real and I was having stronger contractions, but they were still pretty spaced out, so I was able to cope fairly well (so different from my first labour experience!). At 11:00am I had my first intense contraction and I realized we should probably start considering going to the hospital, since it seemed that things were progressing quickly. I tested positive for the Group B Strep test, so was told I shouldn’t wait too long to go to the hospital so that I could get at least 2 doses of antibiotics if possible before the baby was born. At 12:00pm we decided to call my mother-in-law to come over to watch our daughter and I’m so glad we didn’t wait any longer. The contractions were still about every 9-10 minutes apart, but the intensity was definitely increasing.
The nurse suggested I try the bath for some relief while I waited for the epidural and at this point I was willing to try anything that could help. I didn’t find it was helping and the pain was so intense so the nurse called to see if the Anesthesiologist could come any sooner. By some miracle he could, so she rushed me out of the bath and ran me down the hall back to my room as quickly as possible to get prepped. The contractions were so close together that I was having a hard time sitting still enough for him to do the freezing and epidural, but we got it done. I was so thankful to hopefully start getting some relief! Unfortunately that relief never came, since it was too late and the epidural didn’t work! I am proud of myself for getting through such pain without medication, and how I was able to channel all that energy into pushing. I felt very much in control of my body without the epidural and was able to self-direct my pushing which was amazing. I think I pushed only about 6 times and our baby boy made his entrance into the world! It was such a feeling of relief that I wasn’t even concerned about what the sex of the baby was, I just wanted to see him!
Riley Sameer was born on June 21, 2019, at 6:51pm. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz! I still can’t believe I gave birth to such a big baby!

We are still adjusting to life with a new baby and very active two year old, but we are so thankful for our baby boy and I can't wait to watch him grow.